Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Sunglasses! A Must!

Don’t rush off without your important accessory, your sunglasses.While they are looking really great on the windowsill, you’ll need them to look really great on you!

Wearing Protective Eyewear in Sports is a Smart Idea

It used to be that athletes rarely, if ever, wore protective eyewear when playing sports even though eye injuries were very common. Today, eyewear for sports can be seen on almost any player that picks up a racquet, stick, bat, or ball; and it’s used just not in the Major Leagues, but in Little League as well.

Sports Eyewear Has Become Accepted

Coaches, parents, and players have come to realize that wearing eyewear for protection pays off. The risk of damage to the eye is reduced, and the player’s ability to perform is enhanced because he can see well.
Children were initially resistant to the idea because they felt they looked funny when they wore the protective glasses. Today, sports goggles are cool, and those who wear them show that they mean business on the playing field.

What are the Risks?

Prevent Blindness America has reported that hospital emergency rooms respond to more than 40,000 eye injuries yearly that are sports related. Any sport, in which flying objects are present, such as balls or racquets, can cause a serious injury to the eye.

Flying objects aren’t the only problems. Eye injuries can come from pokes by fingers and jabs from elbows, especially where players are in close contact.

It’s easy to reduce the risk of sports-related eye injuries by simply investing in protective goggles. Check out this website for more information on the types of protective eyewear in Carlsbad.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Examining pediatric eyes

The common eye problems found in adults, developing over decades of life as acquired disease, are different in children… read more

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

After Shark Tank, Frameri online optical finds success

Frameri is an online optical retailer that offers moderately priced frames and lenses—but what makes it different is that the lenses are interchangeable between frames... read more

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Open Your Eyes to the World Around You

When you open your eyes to the world, you come to appreciate its overwhelming beauty, which stretches to all four corners of the Earth. With contact lenses, you gain a sense of clarity, the ability to absorb every facet of your surrounding environment.

How to Care for Computer Eyes

Whether you work in front of a computer screen for a living or enjoying surfing the web for fun, your eyes can become damaged from prolonged exposure to a computer. Computer-related eye strain is a condition that affects millions of people in America, regardless of age. Although its symptoms vary in intensity, there are some things you can do to keep your eyes in good health.

Eye Exams

Many computer-related vision disturbances can be detected and treated with regular eye exam.

Reduce Glares and Reflections

Adjust your lights, decor and other glare inducing items, so they do not reflect light onto your computer screen. Your computer screen should be as bright as the other light sources in the room. You should minimize reflections to help prevent eye strain and fatigue.

Wear Glasses

Even if you do not normally wear glasses, talk with your eye doctor about wearing glasses when you are in front of the computer. Eye glasses can prevent glare, magnify images and limit the amount of effort it takes for your eyes to see the screen.

Take Breaks

Sitting in front of a computer for prolonged periods of time can cause you to experience vision changes and irritate your eyes. Take frequent breaks and focus on an object away from your computer every 15 to 20 minutes to prevent eye strain, soreness, dryness and fatigue.

To learn more about an eye doctor in Chula Vista, visit this website.

Study: Handball eyewear scrutinized, found lacking

Common protective eyewear worn in the sport of handball fell short in impact tests and might do more harm than good in some cases, according to a new study that consulted AOA optometric experts... read more

Interesting Facts About Your Eyes

Songs are written about them. True love is professed through them. Life just wouldn’t be the same without them. Your eyes: they’ve been with you since birth, helping you navigate your way through school, work and play. They tend to be quite reliable, turning on the moment you open them in the morning until you close them again at night.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Lift the Fog With Contact Lenses

For most people, the deterioration of their eyesight is inevitable. As they grow older, people see the world around them become foggier, less beautiful. Contact lenses remedy this unfortunate situation. They provide clarity and alleviate the troubles associated with declining eyesight.

How to successfully navigate Medicare Advantage plans

Opportunities exist to capitalize on the rapidly expanding market of Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans—provided that you know how to navigate these plans, and know where to seek help... read more

A Brief History on Eye Glasses

During the early days of civilization, cultures all over the world used various visual aids, such as water bowls and vision stones to magnify images. Although the concept of glasses dates back to the early days of Roman civilization, it wasn’t until 1284, that the first wearable pair was invented by Salvino D’Armate. At that time, glasses were worn on the bridge of the nose, and prescribed for people who were farsighted.

Eye Glasses in Italy

During the 14th century, Italy gained much prominence in the eyeglass industry. They became world renowned for the quality and artistic quality of eye glasses they produced. Five-year eyeglasses were even invented because of the belief that poor vision began at the age of 30 and prescriptions only needed to be updated every five years.


By the time the 17th century rolled around, convex and concave lenses were invented. Using these lenses, glasses were created to treat people who required single lenses to see up close or far away. Benjamin Franklin, who suffered from both myopia and presbyopia, invented bifocals in 1784 so he wouldn’t have to switch back and forth between glasses. And in 1825, cylindrical lenses were created for people who suffered from astigmatism.

Today, eye glasses are used all over the world. They come in many different prescription strengths, colors, styles and price ranges.

To learn more about prescription eyewear in Chula Vista, visit this website.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Ray-Ban: Quality Eyewear Never Goes out of Style

Ray-Ban stands the test of time for one of the most renowned brands of eyewear. Elegant, timeless, durable and fashionable, Ray-Ban sunglasses protect the eyes while making a statement.

All About Macular Degeneration

If you are over the age of 50, then you are at risk of developing Macular Degeneration (AMD). This condition causes a gradual vision loss that is the result of macula deterioration. The macula is located near the center of the retina and is responsible for central vision and sending and receiving image signals to and from the optic nerve.

Symptoms of Macular Degeneration

People that have this condition are usually unaware of it until they start to experience drastic and sudden changes in their vision. Although the disease occurs in stages and is not curable, early detection can significantly improve one’s prognosis.

Symptoms include:

  • Vision loss
  • Yellow deposits in the retina
  • Pigment loss in the retina
  • Trouble seeing and recognizing shapes, objects and depths
  • Trouble focusing

Many people can live happy and productive lives with the assistance of various treatment options, such as medications, visual aids and laser therapy.

Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States. It affects more than 10 million people each year. Although it generally affects people who are over the age of 50, people that smoke, have a family history of the disease, or are of Caucasian descent have a much higher chance of developing this condition in their lifetime.To learn more about getting your eye checkup in Chula Vista, please visit this website.

Ten reasons why my practice doesn’t have a phone

Many of you know I pulled the plug on a practice website and went full on social media nearly eight years ago...read more

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Coping with Symptoms of Macular Degeneration

The macula is the most sensitive part of the retina, which senses light and translates it into electrical signals. These signals are then transmitted to the brain, where they are interpreted as images. When macular degeneration occurs, this most sensitive area of the retina begins to deteriorate and loses its function, eventually causing complete loss of the central part of your field of vision.


When the macular degeneration begins, you may not experience symptoms right away. As it progresses, you may notice the following in your central field of vision:

•    Blurred or decreased vision
•    Blind spots
•    Distortion (straight lines look bent, color looks different)

Because macular degeneration can occur in one or both eyes, these symptoms might be less severe or absent on one side compared to the other.

Living With Vision Changes

Vision loss can feel frightening, but there are steps you can take to limit the impact of this condition on your daily routines and activities.

•    Rely on your hearing: books on tape, screen-reading software, sounds in your environment, auditory traffic signals, etc.
•    Use your sense of touch: use a cane to help you feel potential obstacles and dangers while walking, learn the textures of clothing items to make organization and dressing easier
•    Use low vision aids: magnifiers, talking appliances, closed-circuit TVs
•    Enhance peripheral vision: find the area in your field of peripheral vision that’s strongest, and practice favoring that area

There are different forms of macular degeneration.Doctors can sometimes take steps to slow the advancement of this condition, but symptoms are usually not evident until degeneration has progressed. This makes early detection critical for the best possible outcome. For more information on an eye doctor in Chula Vista, visit this website.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Mastering our optometric obstacles

“I've always found that anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way, and you've got to have that drive and determination to overcome those obstacles on route to whatever it is that you want to...read more

Eye Exams for Children

A doctor should examine your childs eyes as early as birth, and then every couple of years for the rest of their lives. Its important to prepare your child for what to expect during an eye exam so theyre as comfortable as possible.

Many people often associate good eye health with the ability to clearly recognize letters or numbers for the purposes of reading. Eye health, however, is comprised of many components outside of blurred vision, and even children who have yet to learn to read can experience blurred vision that will only worsen as they begin to learn their letters and numbers. Without a clear idea of your child's eye health, you may end up delaying their learning as they enter kindergarten.

Eye exams should begin at birth, though at this age they are usually performed by the baby's normal doctor. If eye infections or vision problems are suspected, then the child will be referred to an eye specialist that can better evaluate the problem. In the first two years of life, babies will be tested to see how they respond to light, how their eyes follow movement, and any presence of nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Once the child is three years old, an eye doctor will begin testing their vision using pictures and images known as LEA symbols. Eye doctors will examine eye alignment and observe whether the child is able to focus properly when objects move closer or further away. A retinoscopy, or a test to measure the reflection in the retina, is a useful tool when dealing with patients who are too young to provide subjective judgments on what they see. Another condition optometrists will be on the lookout for is amblyopia, or the presence of a lazy eye. Like most eye problems, this condition stands a better chance of being treated if caught early on in the childs life.

When the child reaches school age, examinations should be done every two years. At this age, the optometrist will begin to rely on the child to help determine the best prescription for their eyes by reading an eye chart. An eye doctor will also screen for proper depth perception using a test called Random Dot Stereopsis.  Images are viewed through a stereoscope and the child identifies when they perceive depth.

If your child is at risk of developing eye problems as determined by early testing, it may be necessary to schedule an eye exam every year instead. Even though schools sometimes do eye screenings, its still important for you to keep up with your childs eye health on your own.

Other screenings may involve the use of eye drops, which can make some children uncomfortable. Consult your eye doctor in advance so you know how best to prepare your child for their exam. If you have any questions, or youd like to schedule an appointment for your child, visit this website for more information on a pediatric optometrist in Chula Vista.

Why dry eye means poor vision

There are lots of parameters to choose from when looking for dry eye disease. Despite many studies that show poor correlation between signs and symptoms, and poor correlation...read more

Monday, 20 April 2015

What Is Glaucoma, and How Can It Be Treated?

Glaucoma is a condition that usually occurs when the eye is unable to maintain balance between intraocular fluid – or fluid inside the eye – and that which drains away. Intraocular fluid keeps your eye functioning properly and helps to maintain its spherical shape. But when too much fluid pressure builds up, glaucoma develops as the eye pushes on and eventually causes permanent damage to the optic nerve.

Glaucoma occurs in two forms. Narrow-angle glaucoma is a rare, acute condition that requires immediate treatment to save the patient’s vision. Open angle glaucoma, the more common form of the condition, is degenerative, meaning that it worsens over time.

A recent research breakthrough revealed that the impairment caused by the latter condition actually begins in the brain, as the optic nerve begins to lose connectivity, and travels back to the retina. In some people, glaucoma can occur even without high intraocular pressure; in these cases, unusually sensitive optic nerves break down even under normal amounts of pressure.

Open angle glaucoma treatment focuses on preventing further loss of vision, which is permanent once it occurs. Treatment options include:

·         Medications to slow the production of fluid
·         Drops that are absorbed directly into the eye to help with fluid regulation
·         Surgery to create an opening from which excess fluid can drain
·         Laser surgery to help the eye’s drainage system function more effectively

In the U.S., doctors typically treat patients with medications and eye drops before suggesting more invasive techniques such as traditional or laser surgery.

To learn more about taking an eye exam in Chula Vista visit this website.

Terrifically Two-Toned

Simple yet striking, these designer Guess frames radiate a dignified elegance. The harmonizing colors and smooth design make them a stylish and comfortable choice. Complimentary case and cleaning swatch will keep them in optimal condition for years.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Simply Eye-Catching

Choosing frames for your corrective lenses is a chance to express personal style. These RayBan frames are excellent for people who enjoy vivid simplicity and enduring quality. The intensity of the solid color complements any complexion.